Watch the video to learn about ...

...the three most common mistakes active people make - and how to avoid the pitfalls that could cost you pain, disappointing performance and tonnes of wasted money on blister products that were never going to work.

Do you suffer from painful blisters on a regular basis?

Do blisters prevent you from enjoying your favourite sports and activities?

Got a painful blister right now and not sure what to do with it?

Are you planning a long-distance multi-day endurance event where there's a high risk of you getting blisters on your feet?

Luckily for you, due to having blister-prone feet myself, plus 25 years as a podiatrist, and providing blister care at many ultramarathon events since 2014, I've figured out all the secrets, tips and tools to be able to help you with this.

Hey! I’m Rebecca Rushton BSc(Pod)

I've been helping people prevent and treat foot blisters in my podiatry clinic for twenty nine years and online through my “Blister Prevention” website and YouTube channel for about fifteen years. 

Hundreds of thousands of people all over the world have watched my videos, thousands have used my advice to fix their blisters and hundreds have stayed in their race after I have treated their blisters. I know anyone can do this and I’m here to tell you that you don’t need a medical degree to do it.

Fix My Foot Blisters FAST is the comprehensive, step-by-step system that I’ve put my decades of experience into. Over 1,000 athletes, runners, hikers, miners, military personnel and everyday blister sufferers have already been through the course and showed that it’s perfect for you…

  • even if you’re blister prone
  • even if you have “weird-shaped feet”, “bad feet” or structural foot problems
  • no matter whether you’re a seasoned athlete, a weekend warrior or just get blisters with your normal day-to-day activities
  • regardless of whether you have a painful messy blister you need to deal with right now, or you’re preparing months in advance for an event or adventure where you know blisters are likely to be an issue

Race medics and sports medicine practitioners themselves have used this course to help them provide the best possible advice and treatment for blisters.

You will be able to manage your own blisters like a pro, and benefit from advice light-years more appropriate and tailored than anything else you'll find online. This is literally one-of-a-kind.

And just imagine having the confidence to take on any adventure, any race, even any occupation, knowing you can stop blisters from being an issue.

This is something you can have...

And here's how I'm going to help you.

Introducing... Fix My Foot Blisters FAST

An Online FAST Action Plan To Help You Heal Your Blisters Today And Stop Them From Coming Back Tomorrow (And Forever)

Fix My Foot Blisters FAST is the only resource of its kind that walks you step-by-step through treating and preventing blisters according to their anatomical location. This is the critical component that’s missing from ANY advice you’ve EVER heard about blisters. (Think infinitely more sophisticated than a bandaid or moleskin or someone telling you to get new shoes).

It's designed for you to take FAST action on your blisters. 

It's a bit like an app. You don't need to become an expert on every blister - so I'm not going to make you read tonnes of unnecessary stuff. But trust me, you'll feel like an expert!

Find what you need in just a few taps

Here's how it works

  • First... we'll see what you know already and bust some myths.
  • Then... I'll show you how to do basic blister treatment properly so you can avoid the common mistakes.
  • The next step is... to choose your blister location so I can show you how to fix it in one click.
  • Then... you'll learn how to get the most out of each blister product, piece of gear and technique.
  • And finally... I'll share some bonus tips.

💡  There's no need to do the modules one-by-one. Simply tap in and out ANYWHERE you like - it's very simple to navigate your way around!

Here's what you'll get you access to

    1. Meet Rebecca

    2. Blister Quiz

    3. The Truth About Blisters

    4. Using This Program

    1. Have a Blister Now?

    2. Step 1: Identify Your Blister Stage

    3. Step 2: Prevent Infection

    4. Step 3: Apply the Right Dressing

    5. Step 4: Relieve Your Pain

    1. Where is Your Blister?

    2. Back of Heel

    3. Heel Edge

    4. Under Heel

    5. Under Arch

    6. Edge of Forefoot

    7. Under Forefoot (1st Joint)

    8. Under Forefoot (2nd Joint)

    9. Under Forefoot (Joints 3,4,5)

    10. Under / Side of Big Toe

    11. Tops of Toes

    12. Outside of Little Toe

    13. Toe Tips

    14. Around Toenails / Black Nails

    15. Between / Under Toes

    16. Between Toes (1st and 2nd)

    17. Lateral Forefoot

    18. Somewhere else?

    1. Find What You Need

    2. Shoe Fit

    3. Socks

    4. Taping

    5. Lubricants

    6. Powders

    7. Shoe Patches

    8. Cushioned Insoles

    9. Donut Pads

    10. Gel Toe Protectors

    11. Wool

    12. Toe Props

    13. Foot Function and Biomechanics

    14. Blister Kits

    15. Island Dressings & Hydrocolloid Plasters

    1. Taking Control Of Your Blister Situation

    2. Preparing Your Skin

    3. Blood Blisters

    4. Blister Popping

    5. Blister Healing Time

    6. Advanced Support

About this course

  • $300.00
  • 48 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

What People Are Saying

5 star rating

Ultra runner seeking end to blisters

Wes Arnold

Plagued with toe blisters I didn’t know what to do. Stumbled upon Rebecca on You Tube and decided to follow it up and paid for her fix my blisters course. Was very informative and dispelled a lot of myths and misinformation regarding blisters whic...

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Plagued with toe blisters I didn’t know what to do. Stumbled upon Rebecca on You Tube and decided to follow it up and paid for her fix my blisters course. Was very informative and dispelled a lot of myths and misinformation regarding blisters which was really useful in taking a new approach to dealing with my blisters. I also emailed a number of queries to Rebecca and she always came back with a prompt and detailed response.

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5 star rating

Happier without blisters

Ros Edmanson

Just wanted to say a huge Thank You to Rebecca for her support & expertise. My daughter trains & plays basketball 6 times a week and had suffered from blisters continually! We had visited a podiatrist and had sought assistance with orthoti...

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Just wanted to say a huge Thank You to Rebecca for her support & expertise. My daughter trains & plays basketball 6 times a week and had suffered from blisters continually! We had visited a podiatrist and had sought assistance with orthotics. Nothing seemed to help. Rebecca saved the day. Through the videos I learnt how to properly tape her feet and the Engo patches seem to have taken the heat out. Since joining "Fix My Foot Blisters Fast" she has not missed a training session and has been blister free - we could not be happier. Thanks again Ros

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5 star rating

Fix My Foot Blisters Fast

Bernadette Wilson

Used the information to help my daughter on the first day of school. She was impressed by the effectiveness.

Used the information to help my daughter on the first day of school. She was impressed by the effectiveness.

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5 star rating


Chris Sagar

Very interesting

Very interesting

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5 star rating

Well made course structure and knowledgeable

Sandeep Kumar

Well made course structure and knowledgeable

Well made course structure and knowledgeable

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5 star rating

Fix My Foot Blisters FAST

Darcie Haynes

5 stars

5 stars

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5 star rating


Joy Linton

I would highly recommend this course. Thanks Rebecca for making it so accessible and fun. I feel much more informed and well prepared for the extended hiking later in the year.

I would highly recommend this course. Thanks Rebecca for making it so accessible and fun. I feel much more informed and well prepared for the extended hiking later in the year.

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5 star rating

Invaluable course

Mikhaila Carroll

Very easy to follow and understand information. I was able to go to the sections applicable to my blisters and the prevention methods worked really well and I don’t currently have any blister problems when using these methods.

Very easy to follow and understand information. I was able to go to the sections applicable to my blisters and the prevention methods worked really well and I don’t currently have any blister problems when using these methods.

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5 star rating

So Very Helpful

Mark Cerda

As I prepare for my journey on the Camino de Santiago I have studied accounts of many pilgrims on line and in person. The stories of blister injuries alarmed me and I set about to find the best advice for the prevention and treatment of this scou...

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As I prepare for my journey on the Camino de Santiago I have studied accounts of many pilgrims on line and in person. The stories of blister injuries alarmed me and I set about to find the best advice for the prevention and treatment of this scourge. Rebecca’s Fix My Foot Blisters FAST program is simply the best. Thorough, well researched and useful, I have incorporated it into my training program as I build up my endurance along the mountain trails of my native Colorado. I’ve also found her phone app very helpful as I am out and about on the trail. I strongly recommend Rebecca Rushton’s program to all who run, hike or trek.

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5 star rating

100% worth it for the paid version

Margaret Harvey

I stupidly tried wearing a new pair of heels a few days before a month long trip to Europe and wound up with awful blisters. I took pictures and sent them to Rebecca and within 10 minutes she answered with detailed and specific advice. My blisters...

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I stupidly tried wearing a new pair of heels a few days before a month long trip to Europe and wound up with awful blisters. I took pictures and sent them to Rebecca and within 10 minutes she answered with detailed and specific advice. My blisters HEALED in time for my trip. I didn’t bring the heels but my trip was completely pain free. Thank you Rebecca!!

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5 star rating

Comprehensive information

Mary Fallon

Thanks for such comprehensive and easy to use lnformation about prevention and care of blisters and feet. As someone who hikes frequently and gets lots of blisters I was very grateful for your advice and knowledge. Not easily found elsewhere, even...

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Thanks for such comprehensive and easy to use lnformation about prevention and care of blisters and feet. As someone who hikes frequently and gets lots of blisters I was very grateful for your advice and knowledge. Not easily found elsewhere, even from podiatrists!

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Who Uses Fix My Foot Blisters FAST

Fix My Foot Blisters FAST is endorsed by coaches, trainers, schools, tour operators, sports teams, race directors, medics, podiatrists and physiotherapists — as well as recommended and loved by the athletes, weekend warriors, sports people, walkers, hikers, and everyday people who have used it?

Are You Ready

To Fix Your Foot Blisters FAST!

Plus You'll Get These Bonuses

  • Bonus #1

    10-Day Advanced Training Series

    Every day for ten days, you'll get an email from me containing ONE ADVANCED TIP - the kind of advice usually reserved for my private consultations. Everyone LOVES these tips and I know you will too! The first one is all about advanced toenail care – it’s everything you wanted to know about toenails but were afraid to ask. [Value: $675 - Yours FREE!]

  • Bonus #2

    Premium Blister Gear Discounts at Trusted Online Stores

    I've arranged discount codes for you at my own and several other trusted online stores. [Value: $5-$5,000 - Yours FREE!]

  • Bonus #3

    VIP Email Support From Me!

    If you have a quick question, you’re one email away from an answer - from me. I won’t palm your question off to anyone else - I’ve got your back! [Value: Priceless - Yours FREE!]

And My Unbeatable Guarantee

If you're not blown away by the program, if it doesn’t show you exactly how to treat and prevent your foot blisters, I'll refund you 100%. Just tell me what you feel is lacking and it will be done! Cancel with a 100% refund within 30 days.

What's It Worth To You

To Fix Your Foot Blisters Faster?

Here's what people are saying

5 star rating

Best advice and support available!

Kellie Smith

I was training to trek to Everest Base Camp and was experiencing blisters in various places. I was really struggling to manage and prevent them until I discovered Rebecca and her amazing insight and real tools in real time that are effective! If...

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I was training to trek to Everest Base Camp and was experiencing blisters in various places. I was really struggling to manage and prevent them until I discovered Rebecca and her amazing insight and real tools in real time that are effective! If you are experiencing blisters of any kind for any reason, you MUST utilise Rebecca's expertise and tools. You will be cured and your feet will thank you. Rebecca is a real person whom is genuinely interested in helping. You will be so thankful that you subscribe, use the resources and implement recommendations. Do yourself and feet a favour!

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5 star rating

Thorough, explicit, current!

Lisbeth Naurbol

This is the most thorough, explicit and CURRENT blister advice, not just repetition of the same old, same old. Rebecca's advice and expertise are without par. I cannot recommend highly enough. Lisbeth Naurbol Edmonton, AB Canada

This is the most thorough, explicit and CURRENT blister advice, not just repetition of the same old, same old. Rebecca's advice and expertise are without par. I cannot recommend highly enough. Lisbeth Naurbol Edmonton, AB Canada

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5 star rating

Best Advice

Jeff Smart

While training to do a section of the Camino to Santiago de Compostela, I got a huge blister. Rebecca's advice helped me treat the problem so I could keep training. Thanks to her advice I completed my walk with no blisters and very healthy and ha...

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While training to do a section of the Camino to Santiago de Compostela, I got a huge blister. Rebecca's advice helped me treat the problem so I could keep training. Thanks to her advice I completed my walk with no blisters and very healthy and happy feet (unlike many others I met).

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5 star rating

Ultra runner seeking end to blisters

Wes Arnold

Plagued with toe blisters I didn’t know what to do. Stumbled upon Rebecca on You Tube and decided to follow it up and paid for her fix my blisters course. Was very informative and dispelled a lot of myths and misinformation regarding blisters whic...

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Plagued with toe blisters I didn’t know what to do. Stumbled upon Rebecca on You Tube and decided to follow it up and paid for her fix my blisters course. Was very informative and dispelled a lot of myths and misinformation regarding blisters which was really useful in taking a new approach to dealing with my blisters. I also emailed a number of queries to Rebecca and she always came back with a prompt and detailed response.

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5 star rating

My Half Marathon and Hiking Savior

Susan Carson

I purchased this program after destroying my feet training for a half marathon. It helped me properly care for the blisters I got, then helped me learn to avoid them so I could go on a 10 day hike in Europe with no issues!!

I purchased this program after destroying my feet training for a half marathon. It helped me properly care for the blisters I got, then helped me learn to avoid them so I could go on a 10 day hike in Europe with no issues!!

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5 star rating

Best Advice Ever!

Mary Williams

I am a keen bushwalker who had ongoing blister issues for many years. Since 'discovering' Rebecca and her invaluable information on how to deal with blisters of all types, my walking adventures have much more enjoyable. I now have a much better ...

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I am a keen bushwalker who had ongoing blister issues for many years. Since 'discovering' Rebecca and her invaluable information on how to deal with blisters of all types, my walking adventures have much more enjoyable. I now have a much better understanding of the causes of blisters and a range of preventative measures to put to put in place to avoid them ... and if that fails, great advice on how to deal with them. ArmaSkin socks have been my biggest saviour! Thanks Rebecca.

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5 star rating

100% worth it for the paid version

Margaret Harvey

I stupidly tried wearing a new pair of heels a few days before a month long trip to Europe and wound up with awful blisters. I took pictures and sent them to Rebecca and within 10 minutes she answered with detailed and specific advice. My blisters...

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I stupidly tried wearing a new pair of heels a few days before a month long trip to Europe and wound up with awful blisters. I took pictures and sent them to Rebecca and within 10 minutes she answered with detailed and specific advice. My blisters HEALED in time for my trip. I didn’t bring the heels but my trip was completely pain free. Thank you Rebecca!!

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5 star rating

This Program Works

Ben Fisher

Lots of excellent information to help both prevent and deal with blisters. Very useful for my local and long distance hiking. THANK YOU Rebecca!

Lots of excellent information to help both prevent and deal with blisters. Very useful for my local and long distance hiking. THANK YOU Rebecca!

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5 star rating

Wish I had done it earlier

Tushar Singh

It was one of the most informative and user-friendly course I have ever done. Rebecca has explained various aspects of blister management and available strategies in an immensely detailed fashion, along with a personal touch on what some of the pr...

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It was one of the most informative and user-friendly course I have ever done. Rebecca has explained various aspects of blister management and available strategies in an immensely detailed fashion, along with a personal touch on what some of the preferred techniques are. I love the course and I wish I had done it earlier. :)

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5 star rating

Blisters Didn't Stop Me, Thanks to You!

Carolyn Hastie

Rebecca, I just wanted to let you know that I successfully completed the Sydney Running Festival Half-marathon last Sunday 😄 (my first half-marathon). I could not have done it without your expertise regarding blister management, so wanted to write...

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Rebecca, I just wanted to let you know that I successfully completed the Sydney Running Festival Half-marathon last Sunday 😄 (my first half-marathon). I could not have done it without your expertise regarding blister management, so wanted to write and say a huge THANK YOU!! In the end, the only pain I had was due to the start of an ingrown toenail - not my blisters at all - no problems at all in that area! Keep on doing a great job - it makes a difference to people like me!

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5 star rating

Outstanding and thorough

David Feltner

The organization of the course - succinctly mixing text and instructional videos made this a great resource. I have my blister kit and I’m now working to prevent them with more confidence and far better results. And, when I did have a question abo...

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The organization of the course - succinctly mixing text and instructional videos made this a great resource. I have my blister kit and I’m now working to prevent them with more confidence and far better results. And, when I did have a question about a technique in a video, I got an amazingly quick answer (within a few hours). Thanks for everything y’all are doing here.

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5 star rating

Happier without blisters

Ros Edmanson

Just wanted to say a huge Thank You to Rebecca for her support & expertise. My daughter trains & plays basketball 6 times a week and had suffered from blisters continually! We had visited a podiatrist and had sought assistance with orthoti...

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Just wanted to say a huge Thank You to Rebecca for her support & expertise. My daughter trains & plays basketball 6 times a week and had suffered from blisters continually! We had visited a podiatrist and had sought assistance with orthotics. Nothing seemed to help. Rebecca saved the day. Through the videos I learnt how to properly tape her feet and the Engo patches seem to have taken the heat out. Since joining "Fix My Foot Blisters Fast" she has not missed a training session and has been blister free - we could not be happier. Thanks again Ros

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5 star rating

A world of difference!

Peter Macfarlane

Rebecca’s blister fixing program is highly informative and the supplementary series of training emails has greatly helped me better understand not just how to treat blisters but how to think about them, from prevention through to ‘cure’.

Rebecca’s blister fixing program is highly informative and the supplementary series of training emails has greatly helped me better understand not just how to treat blisters but how to think about them, from prevention through to ‘cure’.

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5 star rating

Foot Fix Clinic

nigel freeman

I am a Podiatrist with over 40 years of experience and have provided blister kits to my son's cricket team on a tour to England however I wish I had the information provided by Rebecca in her blister prevention course I did learn new techniques an...

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I am a Podiatrist with over 40 years of experience and have provided blister kits to my son's cricket team on a tour to England however I wish I had the information provided by Rebecca in her blister prevention course I did learn new techniques and new materials. Rebecca has an excellent blister prevention course and I highly recommend it to my clients and anyone who has experienced blisters .

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5 star rating

vey helpful for ultra runner

Mitchell Scheiman

My son recently ran the Moab 240 mile endurance run and I was one of his crew members. I did not know anything about blister prevention or treatment but thought it would be useful for such a long run. I took the blister prevention course and i...

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My son recently ran the Moab 240 mile endurance run and I was one of his crew members. I did not know anything about blister prevention or treatment but thought it would be useful for such a long run. I took the blister prevention course and it was so, so helpful. I bought one of the kits and had to use it several times during the race for both prevention and treatment of blisters. The course and kit enabled him to perform well in this race and was one of the the difference between success and failure.

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4 star rating

Best information available.

Ashley Thomas

After doing the course, which was very informative and great, I just found it difficult to go back to "do you have a blister now" section, when I did to see best way to treat instead of remembering everything. Maybe it was me on my phone being tec...

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After doing the course, which was very informative and great, I just found it difficult to go back to "do you have a blister now" section, when I did to see best way to treat instead of remembering everything. Maybe it was me on my phone being technically challenged, not sure.

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5 star rating

Fast help when you need it!

Juli Hennings

While hiking remotely I started suffering blisters for the first time in decades. After requesting help, I received online tutorials and personal correspondence with Doc Rebecca that helped me to understand what was going on, and how to fix it. ...

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While hiking remotely I started suffering blisters for the first time in decades. After requesting help, I received online tutorials and personal correspondence with Doc Rebecca that helped me to understand what was going on, and how to fix it. It saved my trip and taught me how to prepare for future hikes.

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5 star rating

Wish I had done it earlier

Tushar Singh

It was one of the most informative and user-friendly course I have ever done. Rebecca has explained various aspects of blister management and available strategies in an immensely detailed fashion, along with a personal touch on what some of the pr...

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It was one of the most informative and user-friendly course I have ever done. Rebecca has explained various aspects of blister management and available strategies in an immensely detailed fashion, along with a personal touch on what some of the preferred techniques are. I love the course and I wish I had done it earlier. :)

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5 star rating

European Alps Hiking and Trail Running

Leo Risbridger

While it is possible to purchase individual items from other online sites, it is challenging to get all blister care items from a one-stop online store. The convenience of getting a blister care kit from a single online store is your one of your f...

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While it is possible to purchase individual items from other online sites, it is challenging to get all blister care items from a one-stop online store. The convenience of getting a blister care kit from a single online store is your one of your fundamental value propositions. During my 9-week trip to the European Alps to hike and trail run, I developed blisters on my toes. I utilised the Fix My Foot Blisters FAST program to obtain advice on treatment of the blisters and prevention of further blisters that was specific to my circumstances. Without this advice, I do not doubt that I would have had to abort my European trip. The knowledge of blister prevention and treatment provided by the Fix My Foot Blisters FAST program is invaluable to me.

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5 star rating

Fix My Foot Blisters FAST course

Kim Tottenham

The blister prevention programme is excellent. A lot of effort has gone into preparing the courses. This is evident as you progress, and it’s appreciated. It has focused, well researched, useful information, and Rebecca is a skillful and clear p...

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The blister prevention programme is excellent. A lot of effort has gone into preparing the courses. This is evident as you progress, and it’s appreciated. It has focused, well researched, useful information, and Rebecca is a skillful and clear presenter. I highly recommend “Blister Prevention” for practitioners who see people with blisters, want to up-skill or for those who suffer from blisters.

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5 star rating

It fixed my foot blisters knowledge fast

Shirley Zaknich

Informative and always there when you need it. Covers topics that I didn't even think of. And if it's not there yet... then it hasn't happened. Thank you, will always be a great tool to use.

Informative and always there when you need it. Covers topics that I didn't even think of. And if it's not there yet... then it hasn't happened. Thank you, will always be a great tool to use.

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5 star rating

Best advice and support available!

Kellie Smith

I was training to trek to Everest Base Camp and was experiencing blisters in various places. I was really struggling to manage and prevent them until I discovered Rebecca and her amazing insight and real tools in real time that are effective! If...

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I was training to trek to Everest Base Camp and was experiencing blisters in various places. I was really struggling to manage and prevent them until I discovered Rebecca and her amazing insight and real tools in real time that are effective! If you are experiencing blisters of any kind for any reason, you MUST utilise Rebecca's expertise and tools. You will be cured and your feet will thank you. Rebecca is a real person whom is genuinely interested in helping. You will be so thankful that you subscribe, use the resources and implement recommendations. Do yourself and feet a favour!

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5 star rating

Review of Fix My Foot Blisters Fast!

Vickie Williams

I loved the course! It is clear, full of information I have seen no where else, and well written and presented. I now understand what has really been causing my blisters. And now that I understand the cause I can apply all the techniques Rebecc...

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I loved the course! It is clear, full of information I have seen no where else, and well written and presented. I now understand what has really been causing my blisters. And now that I understand the cause I can apply all the techniques Rebecca teaches to treat my current blisters and prevent future blisters. I highly recommend this course.

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5 star rating

Great Course!

Debra Pelletier

Thank you for this course. I learned what I have wanted to know for years. Understanding how and why blisters occur will be extremely helpful to enjoying getting more active and enjoying life.

Thank you for this course. I learned what I have wanted to know for years. Understanding how and why blisters occur will be extremely helpful to enjoying getting more active and enjoying life.

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  • Do you do refunds?

    Yes, we offer a 30 day 100% money-back guarantee.

  • How long do I have access for?


  • Can I access this offline?

    You need an internet connection to access the material.

  • Can I get this on my ipad?

    Sure! You can access this from any smartphone, tablet, hybrid or desktop.

  • How do I contact Rebecca?

    Just reply to any email she sends you. Or click the "Support" link on the bottom of any page. Rebecca will be in touch with you pronto!

  • Is this just for people who live in Australia?

    People from every continent on earth (except Antarctica - so far) are using this as we speak.

  • Is this only for runners?

    Definitely not. In fact we get just as many hikers, trekkers and bushwalkers. And people doing walks for charity. Oh, and a lot of netball, basketball, tennis, football & soccer players - and a surprising number of golfers! Not to mention people in the military, miners and people on their feet a lot at work.

Join Now

And Start Fixing Your Foot Blisters Today!

A Quick Recap

You'll Get:

✔️ Advanced blister treatment techniques

✔️ 16 Most common blister locations and how to prevent those blisters

✔️ 14 Blister gear categories and how they work

✔️ 4 Pro tips

✔️ 21 Short video tutorials

✔️ BONUS #1: 10-Day Advanced Blister Training Series [Value: $675 - Yours FREE!]

✔️ BONUS #2: Premium Blister Gear Discounts [Value: $5 - $5,000 - Yours FREE!]

✔️ BONUS #3: VIP Email Support From Me [Value: Priceless - Yours FREE!]

  • Advanced Treatment Techniques

    I’ll to help you identify the type of blister you have (there are 3 types) and show you the correct treatment process to promote the healing process and prevent infection.

  • 16 Most Common Blister Locations

    I’ll walk you through the cause of these blisters, one by one. And tell you the best strategies and products that will prevent them from coming back.

  • 14 Blister Gear Categories

    For each one, I’ll show you what it looks like, how to apply it, which blisters it will work best for, tell you its pros and cons and where to get it from. You’ll have direct links to my own resources and other trusted online stores.

  • 4 Pro Tips

    Some of the most common questions I’m asked are covered here, including how to prepare your skin, what’s different about blood blisters, how to pop blisters safely and painlessly and blister healing time.

  • 21 Short Video Tutorials

    Video demos are always better, aren’t they! Get into action sooner by copying what I do.

More of What People Are Saying

About Fix My Foot Blisters Fast

5 star rating

Praises from the tennis court

Paul Clutton

I highly recommend this course. I searched the internet for detailed information on blisters and found nothing satisfactory until I found this course. During a two week holiday in Spain playing tennis 2-3 hours daily (ASC Barcelona tennis academy ...

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I highly recommend this course. I searched the internet for detailed information on blisters and found nothing satisfactory until I found this course. During a two week holiday in Spain playing tennis 2-3 hours daily (ASC Barcelona tennis academy first week, Cunit Academy second week) I got serious blisters on both feet on the second day. The course help me manage them with confidence and I continued play. Better still was that I played a tournament a week after returning home and, using the course information, I purchased two blisters prevention products that worked extremely well. I was able to win the tournament on feet that were not fully healed. I would also note that I emailed Rebecca a question and she replied the same day with very helpful comments. For less than the cost of hiring a tennis court for 2 hours (at least in London) you get access to information that will help safeguard your feet and raise your game. Well worth it.

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5 star rating

So much information and so little time !!!!!

Henry Milner

There is so much information it is hard to remember everything. I am lucky as I don't normally suffer from blisters but carry remedies for others who agonise with foot problems, The Prevention of Blisters is so important and will save on so much f...

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There is so much information it is hard to remember everything. I am lucky as I don't normally suffer from blisters but carry remedies for others who agonise with foot problems, The Prevention of Blisters is so important and will save on so much foot discomfort. To be able to ask a question is so helpful as everybody feet and problems are different!

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5 star rating

My Half Marathon and Hiking Savior

Susan Carson

I purchased this program after destroying my feet training for a half marathon. It helped me properly care for the blisters I got, then helped me learn to avoid them so I could go on a 10 day hike in Europe with no issues!!

I purchased this program after destroying my feet training for a half marathon. It helped me properly care for the blisters I got, then helped me learn to avoid them so I could go on a 10 day hike in Europe with no issues!!

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5 star rating

Essential for the Beginners and the Experienced

Ian Davies

I wish I had had this available during my 20 years in the Army! It offers practical advice on presentation and treatment. During lockdown where the gym is closed and walking is my main exercise I have used it to fix a blister and to take precaut...

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I wish I had had this available during my 20 years in the Army! It offers practical advice on presentation and treatment. During lockdown where the gym is closed and walking is my main exercise I have used it to fix a blister and to take precautions to hopefully prevent any more. Rebecca is a great communicator and the package is easy to use and navigate. I have a link to it on my mobile so I can always get quick access to blister advice.

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4 star rating

Lots of useful information

Jen Newstead

I stumbled across this site and though I don't suffer greatly from blisters, there is loads of useful tips and hints for treating and avoiding them. I will be moving away from my usual "slap a compeed on it , it'll be fine" and making sure i have ...

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I stumbled across this site and though I don't suffer greatly from blisters, there is loads of useful tips and hints for treating and avoiding them. I will be moving away from my usual "slap a compeed on it , it'll be fine" and making sure i have the few items to really deal with a blister when I do get one. This site is an eye opener. Thanks Rebecca I only put 4 stars because I haven't tried anything out yet, but it's all good info.

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5 star rating

An invaluable tutorial on the prevention and treatment of foot blisters

Alan Lamb

Rebecca's well organized program of videos, reading and even product recommendations were all I needed to quickly treat my foot blisters. I started a regimen of fast walking during our Covid quarantine I and soon developed a series of pretty good...

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Rebecca's well organized program of videos, reading and even product recommendations were all I needed to quickly treat my foot blisters. I started a regimen of fast walking during our Covid quarantine I and soon developed a series of pretty good blisters. Following Rebecca's treatment program I was able to bring them under control and finally eliminate them altogether without disrupting my worksouts!

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5 star rating

Excellent Info Saved my Feet

Malalia Floyd

Last year I went on a very long walking holiday. I used much of your very helpful advice concerning blister prevention - shoe size choice, lacing my boots, double socks, Armagard inner socks, patches on the inside of my shoes (I have forgotten the...

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Last year I went on a very long walking holiday. I used much of your very helpful advice concerning blister prevention - shoe size choice, lacing my boots, double socks, Armagard inner socks, patches on the inside of my shoes (I have forgotten the name of the patches), using vaseline on my feet & vigilance with any foot discomfort whilst walking. I also followed your advise for my blister treatment kit. I walked over 1000km and never had to use my blister treatment kit, not even once. I met many fellow walkers during the 1000km who had not been so fortunate with their feet. I am very grateful to you for your excellent information about blisters. Thank you.

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5 star rating

Excellent material!

Jeremy Palmer

I am learning so much as I go through this valuable resource. It's true!

I am learning so much as I go through this valuable resource. It's true!

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5 star rating

Well worth it

Ted Nielsen

Extremely clear and very practical course, one of the techniques I learnt from Fix My Foot Blisters Fast allowed me to complete an 18km run only two weeks after suffering through the last 40km of an ultra with the worst foot blister I’ve ever had....

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Extremely clear and very practical course, one of the techniques I learnt from Fix My Foot Blisters Fast allowed me to complete an 18km run only two weeks after suffering through the last 40km of an ultra with the worst foot blister I’ve ever had. Lots of great information here. I wish I’d found this course years ago. Well worth the small investment.

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5 star rating

Fix my foot blisters fast program

Stephen Keire

The program proved useful because 1) it exposed me to the thinking of the marathon running community which turned out to have quite a history and seemed to me to be more sophisticated than the long-distance hiking vloggers I usually tune into, 2) ...

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The program proved useful because 1) it exposed me to the thinking of the marathon running community which turned out to have quite a history and seemed to me to be more sophisticated than the long-distance hiking vloggers I usually tune into, 2) I learned about the role shear forces play in blister development and the likelihood of recurrence, 3) I learned about products the running community uses that have so far worked to my advantage, and 4) I corrected my misconception about where and how to apply tape to prevent blisters. The text, videos and the e-mails I received amplifying the teaching points all combined to make the program highly worthwhile.

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5 star rating

Great help!!

Pippa Lane

This website is really helpful with loads of practical information. Helped me get back on my feet and training for my hike. Rebecca responded to specific questions by email too which was helpful.

This website is really helpful with loads of practical information. Helped me get back on my feet and training for my hike. Rebecca responded to specific questions by email too which was helpful.

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5 star rating

Love this program

Grace Stout

No blisters for me anymore!!

No blisters for me anymore!!

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5 star rating

Rebecca Knows Blisters!

Jim Sorrels

The most complete compilation of blister prevention and treatment that I have found. This guided course is easy to follow, leading me to much appreciated relief!

The most complete compilation of blister prevention and treatment that I have found. This guided course is easy to follow, leading me to much appreciated relief!

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5 star rating

Brilliant advice

rebecca Kennedy

I bought the blister pack and the app before I went on a long long walk in Europe. These two products, and Rebecca's email address kept me, and many others, blister free on my walk. I was able to help lots of other walkers with my new found knowle...

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I bought the blister pack and the app before I went on a long long walk in Europe. These two products, and Rebecca's email address kept me, and many others, blister free on my walk. I was able to help lots of other walkers with my new found knowledge or would consult the app. Truly great products and great attention and advice from Rebecca.

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5 star rating

This Program Works

Ben Fisher

Lots of excellent information to help both prevent and deal with blisters. Very useful for my local and long distance hiking. THANK YOU Rebecca!

Lots of excellent information to help both prevent and deal with blisters. Very useful for my local and long distance hiking. THANK YOU Rebecca!

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5 star rating

So helpful and thorough

Julie Borsa

This has given us so many options for preventing and treating every kind of blister. We learned so much about blisters and the reasons they form—which is not what we had thought, so obviously, our mitigation efforts weren’t working. Great. Complet...

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This has given us so many options for preventing and treating every kind of blister. We learned so much about blisters and the reasons they form—which is not what we had thought, so obviously, our mitigation efforts weren’t working. Great. Completely worth the money.

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5 star rating

On Blister prevention course

Thomas Shortell

Invaluable course on understanding blisters and how to best avoid them and if unavoidable how to best deal with them as they can bring a long hike like the Camino to a very painful experience or worse a failed one.

Invaluable course on understanding blisters and how to best avoid them and if unavoidable how to best deal with them as they can bring a long hike like the Camino to a very painful experience or worse a failed one.

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5 star rating

Solved my problems

jake schulte

Didn't think it would help, but I haven't had a blister since I used one simple trick provided in the course.

Didn't think it would help, but I haven't had a blister since I used one simple trick provided in the course.

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5 star rating


Andrew Pratt

5 star rating

Everyone should watch My Foot Blisters FAST- it's brilliant!

Shannon Bratton

The most comprehensive instructions with easy to understand procedures. I recommend this to anyone who does any hiking, walking or sport.

The most comprehensive instructions with easy to understand procedures. I recommend this to anyone who does any hiking, walking or sport.

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5 star rating

Great info to have!

Robert Rumney

Excellent layout, very user friendly. Ideal to read before the race to upskill yourself but also very handy mid race as a plan of response

Excellent layout, very user friendly. Ideal to read before the race to upskill yourself but also very handy mid race as a plan of response

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5 star rating

Best course for blister problems

Steve Wells

As a podiatrist regularly treating running injuries I found this course excellent and recommend it to all my staff and any other colleagues that I can. It is thorough, informative, well researched and easy to digest with all subjects being dealt w...

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As a podiatrist regularly treating running injuries I found this course excellent and recommend it to all my staff and any other colleagues that I can. It is thorough, informative, well researched and easy to digest with all subjects being dealt with in small bites (see what I did there?). I would recommend every podiatrist to do this course and also anyone who regularly suffers from blisters. Fabulous job Rebecca!

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5 star rating

Well worth it

Matty James

I wish I knew about this 10yrs ago! Well worth the money and removes any doubt around how to prevent and treat these frustrating injuries! Highly recommended.

I wish I knew about this 10yrs ago! Well worth the money and removes any doubt around how to prevent and treat these frustrating injuries! Highly recommended.

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5 star rating

Fix my foot blisters fast program

Stephen Keire

The program proved useful because 1) it exposed me to the thinking of the marathon running community which turned out to have quite a history and seemed to me to be more sophisticated than the long-distance hiking vloggers I usually tune into, 2) ...

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The program proved useful because 1) it exposed me to the thinking of the marathon running community which turned out to have quite a history and seemed to me to be more sophisticated than the long-distance hiking vloggers I usually tune into, 2) I learned about the role shear forces play in blister development and the likelihood of recurrence, 3) I learned about products the running community uses that have so far worked to my advantage, and 4) I corrected my misconception about where and how to apply tape to prevent blisters. The text, videos and the e-mails I received amplifying the teaching points all combined to make the program highly worthwhile.

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5 star rating

Very informative program

Hannah Stanley

The program was incredibly informative - I didn't realise how much there was to know about blisters and how many different ways there was to treat them. This program saved me a lot of pain on a multiday hike!

The program was incredibly informative - I didn't realise how much there was to know about blisters and how many different ways there was to treat them. This program saved me a lot of pain on a multiday hike!

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5 star rating

Good course

Kerry Sutton

I really enjoyed this course, it was full of valuable information, has obviously been well thought out. There was plenty to get stuck into and covered pretty much every blister eventuality! As a run coach I am always asked about blisters and this ...

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I really enjoyed this course, it was full of valuable information, has obviously been well thought out. There was plenty to get stuck into and covered pretty much every blister eventuality! As a run coach I am always asked about blisters and this added lots of useful information so I can better inform my clients. Thank you so much.

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5 star rating

Fix My Foot Blisters FAST

Sarah Mobley

Great information. a great base for prevention steps.

Great information. a great base for prevention steps.

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5 star rating

Thorough, explicit, current!

Lisbeth Naurbol

This is the most thorough, explicit and CURRENT blister advice, not just repetition of the same old, same old. Rebecca's advice and expertise are without par. I cannot recommend highly enough. Lisbeth Naurbol Edmonton, AB Canada

This is the most thorough, explicit and CURRENT blister advice, not just repetition of the same old, same old. Rebecca's advice and expertise are without par. I cannot recommend highly enough. Lisbeth Naurbol Edmonton, AB Canada

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5 star rating

Excellent Course

Jett Cooper

I found each of the modules to be very informative. The course was easy to follow. I feel much more confident in preventing and treating blisters.

I found each of the modules to be very informative. The course was easy to follow. I feel much more confident in preventing and treating blisters.

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5 star rating

Best Blister Advice Around

Diane Turney

In preparation for walking the Camino de Santiago I was researching how to care for my feet. I discovered these videos just before I left. I purchased a few items I didn’t previously have and headed out. Having watched all the videos I knew when t...

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In preparation for walking the Camino de Santiago I was researching how to care for my feet. I discovered these videos just before I left. I purchased a few items I didn’t previously have and headed out. Having watched all the videos I knew when to stop and check my feet and what to do if I felt a hot spot developing. I am 3 weeks into my walk and I fortunately only let one spot turn into a blister. I should have stopped and addressed it but I thought, I am close enough to the next town I will do it there. I knew better. I followed the advice for treating it and I was on my way. Thank you for helping me care for my blister prone feet.

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5 star rating

Best Advice

Jeff Smart

While training to do a section of the Camino to Santiago de Compostela, I got a huge blister. Rebecca's advice helped me treat the problem so I could keep training. Thanks to her advice I completed my walk with no blisters and very healthy and ha...

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While training to do a section of the Camino to Santiago de Compostela, I got a huge blister. Rebecca's advice helped me treat the problem so I could keep training. Thanks to her advice I completed my walk with no blisters and very healthy and happy feet (unlike many others I met).

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5 star rating

really worth the time !!!

Paula Ryan

I stumbled across the Blister Prevention website and am so pleased that I did . The short course is very informative and it was good to learn about prevention as well as treating blisters - both of which I required. The support from Rebecca is e...

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I stumbled across the Blister Prevention website and am so pleased that I did . The short course is very informative and it was good to learn about prevention as well as treating blisters - both of which I required. The support from Rebecca is exceptional - she gets back to you quickly and has the products you will need to heal your blister. I have no hesitation is highly recommending Rebecca's service.

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4 star rating

The things you learn along the way!

Sharon Weir

I got a lot out of the blister prevention course. There are some things that I found more useful than others. I am an ultra distance runner so blisters and foot carnage have been part of my life for over ten years now. I would have liked to have k...

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I got a lot out of the blister prevention course. There are some things that I found more useful than others. I am an ultra distance runner so blisters and foot carnage have been part of my life for over ten years now. I would have liked to have known more about how to look after my feet and prevent blisters ten years ago! I have never come across a more comprehensive explanation of preventing and or treating blisters. I think it would be a great asset for many people in many walks of life to have an understanding of prevention in particular. I appreciate the information that I have been shown and now I have an awesome blister kit when I do an event.

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4 star rating

Knowledge is Power

Luigi Sartorel

I do not regularly suffer from blisters having identified lessons and learnt from them whilst serving in the Royal Marines which were learnt the hard way! All of the information given in the course was sound advice and largely common sense. Howe...

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I do not regularly suffer from blisters having identified lessons and learnt from them whilst serving in the Royal Marines which were learnt the hard way! All of the information given in the course was sound advice and largely common sense. However Rebecca did provide me with some excellent extra knowledge. This knowledge will be put to good use when out walking.

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5 star rating

Best Advice Ever!

Mary Williams

I am a keen bushwalker who had ongoing blister issues for many years. Since 'discovering' Rebecca and her invaluable information on how to deal with blisters of all types, my walking adventures have much more enjoyable. I now have a much better ...

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I am a keen bushwalker who had ongoing blister issues for many years. Since 'discovering' Rebecca and her invaluable information on how to deal with blisters of all types, my walking adventures have much more enjoyable. I now have a much better understanding of the causes of blisters and a range of preventative measures to put to put in place to avoid them ... and if that fails, great advice on how to deal with them. ArmaSkin socks have been my biggest saviour! Thanks Rebecca.

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4 star rating

Much information

ton Vaessen

5 star rating

Prevention Of Blisters

Phyl Grogan

I found the course invaluable. And easy to follow. Having just completed 100k of the Camino, I was ready and aware of prevention of blisters. I only got one blister which was because of excessive rain walking for six hours. The blister was more a...

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I found the course invaluable. And easy to follow. Having just completed 100k of the Camino, I was ready and aware of prevention of blisters. I only got one blister which was because of excessive rain walking for six hours. The blister was more a friction burn but I knew what to do. I was so happy to complete the Camino stage with my feet looking incredible well and healthy. Thank you so much. Really appreciate the time you have put into this course. Happy walking, Phyl.

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5 star rating

Thank you!!

Lei Ann Finch

Thank you!! You've helped me fix my foot blisters. I appreciate it SO much!

Thank you!! You've helped me fix my foot blisters. I appreciate it SO much!

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5 star rating

Blisters Didn't Stop Me, Thanks to You!

Carolyn Hastie

Rebecca, I just wanted to let you know that I successfully completed the Sydney Running Festival Half-marathon last Sunday 😄 (my first half-marathon). I could not have done it without your expertise regarding blister management, so wanted to write...

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Rebecca, I just wanted to let you know that I successfully completed the Sydney Running Festival Half-marathon last Sunday 😄 (my first half-marathon). I could not have done it without your expertise regarding blister management, so wanted to write and say a huge THANK YOU!! In the end, the only pain I had was due to the start of an ingrown toenail - not my blisters at all - no problems at all in that area! Keep on doing a great job - it makes a difference to people like me!

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5 star rating

Extremely Insightful!

Luis Becdach

I’m an avid long time adventure racer that has dealt with blister problems for the last 2 years. This course helped me understand what I’m doing (terribly) wrong and taught me new strategies that I can’t wait to implement so I can keep doing th...

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I’m an avid long time adventure racer that has dealt with blister problems for the last 2 years. This course helped me understand what I’m doing (terribly) wrong and taught me new strategies that I can’t wait to implement so I can keep doing the sport that I love for many more years. Rebecca’s advice has been top notch and super responsive! I will recommend this course to anyone that is dealing with blisters specially those doing hard core sports!

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5 star rating

Fewer blisters

Ian Thomas

I had much fewer blisters at this camp and I was able to treat others before they became a problem.

I had much fewer blisters at this camp and I was able to treat others before they became a problem.

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5 star rating

online course

Carolyn Raven

wonderful thankyou Rebecca. I have learnt new techniques and have more confidence in dealing with issues. Highly recommended knowledge.

wonderful thankyou Rebecca. I have learnt new techniques and have more confidence in dealing with issues. Highly recommended knowledge.

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5 star rating

Outstanding and thorough

David Feltner

The organization of the course - succinctly mixing text and instructional videos made this a great resource. I have my blister kit and I’m now working to prevent them with more confidence and far better results. And, when I did have a question abo...

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The organization of the course - succinctly mixing text and instructional videos made this a great resource. I have my blister kit and I’m now working to prevent them with more confidence and far better results. And, when I did have a question about a technique in a video, I got an amazingly quick answer (within a few hours). Thanks for everything y’all are doing here.

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5 star rating

Blister Prevention at your finger tips

Russel Montgomery

Rebecca has provided a very comprehensive service for the prevention and treatment of blisters. Lots of very helpful information and access to useful products. Definitely worth a second and third look.

Rebecca has provided a very comprehensive service for the prevention and treatment of blisters. Lots of very helpful information and access to useful products. Definitely worth a second and third look.

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5 star rating


Holly Grutman Xerri

Don’t even think twice! This course saved me. Probably the best thing I have done online in years! Rebecca really knows her stuff to help you achieve a blister free life. I really can’t say enough (except thank you Rebecca for creating this invalu...

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Don’t even think twice! This course saved me. Probably the best thing I have done online in years! Rebecca really knows her stuff to help you achieve a blister free life. I really can’t say enough (except thank you Rebecca for creating this invaluable course)!

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5 star rating

Pragmatic approach to blister prevention and care.

Robert Spillane

Stellar. A great approach to blister pathophysiology, prevention and care. I like the step-wise thought process and the location-by-location treatment process.

Stellar. A great approach to blister pathophysiology, prevention and care. I like the step-wise thought process and the location-by-location treatment process.

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