Blister Prevention University
The University Education We Should Have Received About The Cause, Prevention and Treatment of Foot Blisters
Australian Podiatry Association
Does any of this sound familiar?
Is taping your go-to blister strategy? Feel like you’re clutching at straws if it doesn’t work?
Ever had someone get blisters with a shoe you recommended, and you’re at a complete loss to explain why?
Do you compromise your orthotic prescription to avoid arch blisters from orthotic irritation?
Do you have clients say they’ve tried every prevention strategy there is - and you don’t know what to suggest next?
They're THE MOST COMMON injury in sport!
Many of your patients aren't telling you about their blister issues and aren't asking for help.
They don't think there's anything you can that they can't already do themselves.
They can't see past the flawed 'heat-moisture-friction' paradigm of blister causation, and so they're stuck in the impossible, relentless pursuit of trying to keep their feet cool and dry when they exercise.
They believe blisters are completely unpredictable and they've come to accept blisters as inevitable in their active lifestyles.
“After all the various, typical ‘blister remedies’ suggested by the collective experience on the track, it become such an issue I could not even stand on it, let alone move. My race was done! Certain that it wouldn’t make any difference, I hobbled my way over to Rebecca's tent to present my dilemma. At 8:10am, she had finished with my foot. I stood, and could noticeably tell the difference immediately. I could walk! So I decided to shuffle around for one lap to test it out. By the back straight I was unable to feel any discomfort in the area and had returned to a full run. Without Rebecca’s treatment, my race was over. I was able to put on another 34km to the tally due the treatment.”
“Monday she refereed 1 hour of OzTag games, then played a 1-hour game. In a very competitive game, she came off and she had tears in her eyes. I said “are your blisters hurting” and she said “no my feet are the best I have ever felt them, dad, I cant feel any blisters at all!” She was so happy and emotional that for the first time in 4yrs she had no blisters. And tonight she played competition State Cup touch-football. As soon as she got home I asked the question again “how’s your feet” and she said “dad still no blisters and can you please thank the lady you have been talking to and let her know how my feet are and thank her for helping me”. She is just so exited to finally be blister-free from your help and recommendations.”
The real reason blisters seem so difficult to get rid of is:
Is It Any Wonder?
Actually, it's much more than a course
Blister Prevention University is the only resource of its kind that shows you exactly:
Podiatrists! We have a unique understanding of foot structure and function that is heavily at play in blister causation.
However, it's also for anyone involved in the education or management of foot blisters, or with people who commonly suffer blisters, like:
Rebecca Rushton BSc(Pod)
Here's what you'll learn at Blister Prevention University
A Message From Rebecca
How To Use This Course
Before We Begin...
What Causes Blisters?
Blister Risk Factors
How Common Are Blisters?
Skin Adaption
Taping, Moleskin & Adhesive Products
Shoe-Fit & Lacing
Double Socks & Toesocks
Moisture-Wicking Socks
Sock Density & Construction
Antiperspirants & Astringents
Other Moisture-Management Strategies
Cushioned Insoles
Gel Toe Protectors
Donut Pads / Deflective Padding
Orthoses and Biomechanical Interventions
Footwear Properties and Modifications
ENGO Blister Patches
PelliTec Blister Prevention Pads
Spenco 2nd Skin Squares
Loose-Packed Wool
Posterior Heel Blisters
Plantar Heel Blisters
Heel Edge Blisters
Plantar Arch & Edge Blisters
Lateral Midfoot Blisters
Forefoot Edge Blisters
Plantar 1st Metatarsal Head
Plantar 2nd (3rd & 4th) Metatarsal Heads
Plantar Hallux (Including Edge Blisters)
Dorsal Digital Blisters
Lateral 5th Toe Blisters
Apical Blisters
Subungual Blisters
Pinch Blisters
Interdigital Blisters
Distal Forefoot Blisters Extending Interdigitally
Principles of Blister Treatment
Hydrocolloids - Common Mistakes
MUST READ: The COF of In-Shoe Material Interfaces
A Visible Indication Of High Shear Deformation
FAQs & Case Studies
We're not leaving you on your own - we're here to help you maximise your impact ($800+ value)
Implementation is everything! So, we're giving you my professionally-designed, fill-in-the-blanks "My Blister Plan" document. This is the single-most important resource you can give an athlete to get them on board with your recommendations, helping them prepare, manage and troubleshoot their blisters.
You'll get all the course updates. For example, since we started, we've added a new lesson on sock construction, and Doug has given us a handy guide to choosing athletic socks for blister prevention.
You're invited to join our private Facebook group to receive professional support from Rebecca and Doug. Ask us anything! This is usually reserved to our "Blister Prevention Business" clients, but for now, you get it free.
Add in today's $800+ worth of bonuses
But you won't pay $1,800 - or the $800 you'd expect to pay to attend a weekend conference
For a limited time, you'll pay just $299 (with forever access)
You Simply Can't Lose
“Congratulations on putting together a fantastic resource which is easy to navigate and offers the most comprehensive educational tool about friction lesions which I have ever seen.”
“I highly recommend this course for all podiatrists, especially those working with the active or athletic population. Blister management is an important skill to bring to the sports medicine team, and it's a skill that podiatrists are perfectly positioned to deliver. Effectively managing blisters can make a significant impact on the overall health and performance of athletes across a range of sports. This is the ultimate course you need to give you those skills.”
“This is truly a thorough and complete resource on everything blisters, offering practical treatment solutions and careful explanations supported with scientific reference. The course content is clear and well guided. For any Podiatrist working with athletes and those active, the skills and additional resources this course provides are a welcomed and valuable addition.”
And It's Our Job To Help Our Clients Overcome Blisters!
If you think you can save money and do all this yourself, well, you’re absolutely right, you could... in theory. Just be prepared to set aside a lot of time. It’s taken me: - 15 years - 4 lever arch files full of research on blisters, other shear-related skin damage, dermatology and tribology - Tens of thousands of dollars (probably even more than that - I don’t even want to think about it) - Weeks spent at ultramarathon events providing footcare - And I can’t even hazard a guess at how much of my personal and family time it has taken to figure all this out. Or you can have it all delivered to you in the next 30 seconds because I’ve done all the work for you.
I agree, you could. So why haven't you? I can tell you why. This topic is counterintuitive. There are errors in both academia and the lay media. This course is designed to help you hit the ground running TODAY, not in 6 months, or the 15 years it took me!
I get it! Bite-sized, easy-to-find, intuitive, jump in and out where/whenever you like. Done!
Our patients have a frighteningly low expectation of our ability to help them with this injury. They think there's nothing you can do. They're too shy to tell you that the last thing you did or suggested didn't work. They think they did something wrong and so they've come to accept blisters as inevitable. Just because they're not telling you about it, doesn't mean it's not happening. If you still think friction blisters aren’t that big a deal and your patients aren’t suffering and struggling with them behind closed doors, you’re wrong. Friction blisters of the feet are not just the most common FOOT injury in sport, they’re THE most common injury in sport and walking activites. Your patients aren’t telling you about them because they genuinely think there’s nothing you can do and they think they are completely unpredictable. The fact is, blisters are very predictable and you hold invaluable insights and skills as a podiatrist to help them.
Are you a podiatrist? This course is made just for you!
Yes - 6hrs CPD!
Take the most common foot pathology there is in sport, become more informed about it, and start educating your clients on the best preventions and treatments available. They'll thank you for it! And you'll enjoy the boost to your professional reputation, your bottom line and word-of-mouth referrals.
one-time payment